Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sobbing in Death Valley tonight- Bama beats LSU !

Final score: Alabam 27, LSU 21 in overtime.

Bama is now 10-0 !

Woo hoooo, way to go, guys!!

Funniest thing on local TV just now:
They were showing a clip of a Saban effigy being burned. The news guy commented on how LSU hates Saban 'cause he once left them for the NFL (duh, who wouldn't!) and how tasteless the effigy burning was. Then says "But, ya know, if you've ever been to Baton Rogue, alcohol fuels the fires and the people, so this isn't so unexpected for down there." LOL!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congrats to Obama; Wake-up Call to USA

Congrats to Senator Obama for his win last night.

All you starry-eyed worshippers waiting for your handout, sure you're in for a surprise before long. It's your job to take care of yourself & your family, it is not the government's place to play Mommy & Daddy.

Black America-- Pay attention. The pity party ends now. Gone are the decades of bemoaning ancient slavery issues & 'whitey' keeping you down. Behold a man willing to WORK for his vision, a man raised by a single parent who started life very poor. In this country, everybody can be somebody IF THEY TRY.

Happy Wednesday

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote McCain on Tuesday, November 4

Go with the guy who has the most experience, not the one who makes the most (unfulfillable) tax cut promises and whose running mate has been trying to get into our number 1 office since 1984.

He's old, you say? Experience is our best teacher. And what of Reagan who was 73 when he won the 1984 election? In the words of a great man, when the age topic was broached during the second Presidential debate, Reagan responded "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," which gained a burst of applause and laughter from the audience members and even Mondale himself couldn't suppress a giggle.

McCain. It's the only reasonable choice :-)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Space Station Trash Plunging to Earth

Did you see this?!

I'd sure hate to get hit with a piece of that :-(

Hopefully they can determine its course & do something to divert falling pieces that may be harmful to humans.

But even if they head into the oceans as NASA is hoping, it's toxic waste, right? Won't that kill or harm any living species that come into contact with the debris?