Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fudge Brownies from Star Market

OMGoodness, these are awesome!!

Only 59¢ for a 3x4x1 slab of fudgy walnut brownie with icing.

Little Debbie & Sara Lee together couldn't top this store baked yumminess :-p

Yard Sale Saturday & Sunday, July 26 & 27

8am til whenever the rain starts or folks stop coming, July 26th & 27th

4004 North Parkway, (just south of A&M stadium & fire station on same side of road)

Clothes 25¢ each !
also ... Socks, Shoes Sheets, Curtains Towels, Pillows Mugs, Rabbit figurines Books, Movies Dolls, Stuffed Animals
.............. all for only 25¢ each !

DVD cases 10¢ each -or- 12 for $1!
Magazines 10¢ each -or- 12 for $1!
Toys 25¢ & up (as marked)
Housewares 25¢ & up (as marked)
New beauty aids $1 & up (as marked)
Collectibles & Christmas 50¢ & up (as marked)
Wooden shelves $1 ea & up (as marked)
Lamps $1 ea & up (as marked)
Printers $1 ea & up (as marked)
Old sewing machine $5
Live plants 50¢ ea cup

All this & LOADS MORE of quality used & NEW items from 12 families, much to see, too much to list, all priced Super Low !!

**The rain made us stop at noon on Saturday. We sold over 200 items, but have 4x that still left!**

We'll entertain any 'take all' offers for left over goods at end of sale on SUNDAY. Come see us!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yard Sale Saturday, July 26

As you may have read, we attempted the YS thing here the past 2 wkends, and last wkend, the Huntsville Times did not run my paid classified ad. :-( The times never returned my phone call or email regarding the issue, so I called again on Monday & went by there on Tuesday.

Apparently you cannot just get your cash money back, nope. If you pay for an ad & they don't run it, your only options are a credit on your account or they will run again for free (basically, same)

So, I placed an ad for a YS at our rental in Huntsville. We'll be on north Parkway from 8-2ish, just south of A&M and the fire staion. Awesome location, if Times fails again, we still should do well. We've been moving stuff over all week and still have 2 loads to go--- lotsa stuff for shoppers, most is priced a quarter to a dollar......... woohoo!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

McDonald's Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Oh my, they're soooo soft, fresh, moist, yummy - and cheap at 3 for a buck!

Quite possibly the healthiest & best-tasting item on the menu :o)

I'm really enjoying their huge sweet tea for a dollar, too!

Tea, burger, & 3 cookies all for only 3 bucks ... ahhh, summer goodness!

07/24/2008 update:
I think I'm addicted to these cookies, lol! I bought 3 on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, oh my!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

E! TV or Ho! TV ?

First it was Girls Next Door. 3+ hos in one show! It's bearable, tho, and an easy way to burn half an hour when you're bored and it doesn't take much to entertain you and if you can keep the mental images of Hef orgies at bay.

The next ho was Denise Richards, It's Complicated. No, really it isn't, let me lay it out for you: You're needy, pouty, & spolied, your eyes reflect no soul, and your life is as boring as that of any other washed-up-never-really-was man hunter.

A few moments ago, I saw an ad for Pamela Anderson's new show, Pam on the Loose debuts soon. Seriously-- why?! WTH would someone want to sit & watch Pam & Tommy do nothing spectacular for an hour each week? OOOO, and then there'll be the marathons, soon as E! has 6 epis to loop together, lol!!

Not to sound prude-y, but the Pam commercial was extra fleshy, too much so for 8 am on a Sunday. We've all seen Pam's t&a- can I please just enjoy my coffee?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yard Sale Dismay Part Deux

Seriously, I'm started to think my YS dream is jinxed!!

We were rained out last weekend, so decided to try this weekend as there's no rain in the area. Great. I go to The Huntsville Times on Tuesday & place the ad to run Thursday thru Saturday with the YS being Friday & Saturday.

Spent all day Thursday dragging down truckload of stuff I just got this week. Had a guy stop & inquire about sale. We had no signs up, so I figured he saw ad in the newspaper & just didn't note that it was for Fri-Sat.

Friday morn, up early, spent 4 hours out in the heat. No one. Hubby gets home, we go put up signs around 2:30 advertising the sale on Sat from 8-2. So then, 2 people showed up between 4 & 5 Friday afternoon, lol! They bought over 50 items, I was going woohoo!!

This morning rolls around. Up early, Hubby put some big stuff out, we're ready for the crowds!! An hour passes, then two and we'd only had 2 customers :( I check the newspaper to see if any other sales are nearby and guess what?! My ad is not in there!!! Arrrrghhh!!!!!

My Dad gets the paper daily (not just w/e like us), so I call to see if he's home & can check Thursday & Friday. He's not home. I come up to house, check online--- sure nuff it did not run at allll!!!!

I call the newspaper only to get a recording, wow, big help The Huntsville Times, you're really on top of your game. I have my receipt, the one time I paid cash, no less, and will stop by their office on Monday while I'm in Huntsville.

So for today, we waited until noon, then went & took down the signs on the main roads. An older couple was here looking at stuff when we got back, and we ended up selling them a good bit :)

There's still 4 frigging pickup loads of stuff down there. I left a collection box & a note with it, either they pay or they don't, lol!

Our tenant in Huntsville has been insisting we bring all to his place & set up, so I guess that's on the agenda for next weekend. We will NOT be placing an ad with the Times for this sale (house is right on the Parkway, no need!)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yard Sale Dismay

We've been trying to hold a YS allll summer. Each time, we put it off due to rainy forecast. It ended up raining exactly zero of those 4 days.

So, this week was it!! I put an ad in the paper & on local net boards. Forecast looked good, just 30% chance of PM showers, great!

Got 2 truckloads down & set up by 8, had a flurry of customers. Hubby went to put up signs. He got back, brought more stuff down from the house, then I went up for more stuff & more coffee! Got truck half loaded, poured coffee, heard dreaded patter of rain.... noooooooooo!!!! It's only 9 o'clock!

Offload everything that's boxed (vs being in a lidded plastic tote), go back down to YS, Hubby had boxed & covered a good bit & 2 people were still shopping! lol!!

Rain stopped, we uncovered everything, unboxed some of it, debated whether to offload totes of stuff, and then attempted to assemble the 2 10x10 canopys I purchased at Fred's a couple weeks ago. The frames are sooo flimsy, but we figure a good tie down & all will be ok. Right? No. Because the tarp that came with each canopy is about 2" too small for its frame.

We had a few more customers, then another shower came up. We covered stuff again & stood under the trees til it passed. Hubby helped uncover & went to the cafe to get me something to eat :-p

While he was gone, I put more stuff out & chatted up one customer. Hubby got back & got me all squared away with food, drink & condiments (he's so good!), then said he was going to take a break out of the humidity.

I ate, then waited on people to come shop, lol! I had almost given up hope when a couple ladies pulled up a little after 10. They spotted lotsa goodies & were happily shopping when 3 more ladies arrived a bit later. They were all rummaging away, pleased as could be, when more rain hit :( And this time it was big, fat, heavy rain, arrrrgh!

I got 30 dollars total from the ladies, they left with big loads, and I was only half soaked :(

Tried to cover stuff, was about to call Hubby for help when there he was! We tried to get stuff off ground & all covered. It was only 10:30 am & we were now soaked to the bone. Came up to the house, changed clothes, dried hair, watched it rain, and sulked.

About quarter after 11, sky was sunny & bright again, so I walked down to start damage inspection/trash detail & wait on buyers. Within half an hour, another storm was in full swing.

On the up side, I met a lot of nice people today & they all got awesome deals. Everything we sold cost us nothing we took in more than enough money to cover the cost of the newspaper ad and the 2 defective canopies. And in only 2.5 hours!

On the down side, it was only 2.5 hours! ARRRGH!! A bunch of stuff is likely ruined now, and I didn't get to put hardly any of 'my' stuff out. Well, maybe that last one belongs in the up side list cause as least none of 'my' stuff got wet!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Hope yours is as sunny & bright as this Alabama day!

I'm off to run the roads for a while.

May you all have a glorious day!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Well, Maybe We'll Live ...

The crop duster just worked the cotton field next to us about half an hour ago, and there is a foul odor around our property.

Google search did not help much; guess we'll wait and see...

Yard Sale Saturday !!

WooHoo! Hope to get rid of loads of stuff, lol!

Sure is a lotta work to get ready. We're running an ad in the paper this time- $22 bucks, ouch!- better be worth it!

Off to gather and tag more...