Sunday, August 10, 2008

Church Sale Delight & Consignment Store Disappointment

SO yesterday was the big annual sale at the HG Methodist Church. We went to scope it out ard 11, bought a few items, & double-checked that bag sale would be held from 2-3- yes!!

Roll north to TN, check a few pitiful YS, decide to stop at CS near Parks City that I hadn't visited in a yr or so.

Wow. Big let down. It was so bad that Hubby even noticed, lol! He came over after 5 minutes & asked 'do you feel the love?' I half-giggled, said 'uh. NO!' and relayed that on my previous visit, this store had oodles of interesting mid to higher end garments. Now? Nothing but White Stag, Cherokee, Gap, Jacklyn Smith, you get the idea. :-( The only 'designer' label I found was Liz Claiborne, lol!

The presence of all those mart brands was bad enough, however, 50% or more of these items were worn, pilled, and/or faded. Prices start at $4.99

Wonder how long she'll stay afloat with such cruddy merchandise ??

Stopped at couple more wanna-be YS-- YKWIM, when someone slops a bunch of carp onto a couple tables, doesn't bother to price ANYthing, parks their fat arse in a chair, and ignores everyone who stops to ogle their wares? Yeah. Bought nothing & even commented 'pfft, nothing is priced' in a loud enough voice as we left the last one, heehee.

Went to grocery store, took Hubby & food home, grabbed a bite and headed back to the bag sale :) Like to never got bags from the lady distributing them. First, there was a goofy-rolling-in-floor-oh-ain't-he-cute brat blocking the doorway. Tired of waiting for that mess to cease, so I went ard to the other door, approached lady, she scoots off to someone else, follow her, scoot, follow, then I asked LOUDLY 'Hey, can I get some bags?' which landed me 2, so I asked for a 3rd. She extened 4 bags to someone approaching and wasn't going to give me a 3rd. Whatever you old biddy. She gave it up after another request.

Toted my box, filled it, stopped to fold & bag, all 3 are full. Bag lady came around offering more bags - to everyone in the area BUT me. Fruit. Looked at the rest of the clothing, put in box, found a bag on the floor -HA!- Made a trip by the tables of stuff & found a couple trinkets.

The checkout lady was very nice & commented how smart I was to bring a box, lol! I'm taking my wheelie cart next year as the box quickly became too heavy to tote, so I resorted to scooting, and tho I kept the box against me while shopping, people still kept trying to take stuff out & drop stuff in as they passed ??

Can't wait til next year :o)

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